
ACSEAST 2016 Call for Paper/Panel (English)

  • Date:Sep 22~23, 2016
  • Venue:會議國際關係研究中心國際會議廳/綜合大樓一樓或研創總中心會議廳
  • Author:Alan Hao YANG (楊昊)
  • Tag:Events

ACSEAST 2016 Call for Paper/Panel (English)

1. Main Theme

“The Politics of Transformation in Southeast Asia: Towards A People-Centered Agenda”

2. Important Dates

Abstract Submission: before May 5th, 2016 (Form Download)

Announcement of Acceptance: the first week of June, 2016

Full Paper Submission: before August 20th, 2016 

Conference Dates: September 22nd and 23rd, 2016

3. Introduction

Over the past few centuries, Southeast Asia has been through various transformations. Regarding regional and national politics, it has seen the transformation of former colonies into contemporary states; pertaining to trade and commerce, it had been shifting from agriculture and fishing to free-trade systems; socially, it has become a melting pot of diverse cultures. The dazzling societies of modern Southeast Asia is undoubtedly the fruit of transformation.

The year 2016 not only marks the establishment of the ASEAN Community but also represents the year of magnificent changes: Myanmar, the Philippines, and Vietnam will be witnessing presidential and party elections within the year; the international public opinion will also closely observe whether the Thai military government is willing to release the power to restart democratic elections. These new political regime, for sure, will shape the political and economic landscape of the regional community.

In addition to domestic politics, international uncertainties such as the grand strategy of “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) promoted by Mainland China, the official development assistance (ODA) strengthened by Japan, the layouts of “Pivot to Asia” made by both the United States and Russia, the restart of Eastbound strategy developed by India, along with the geopolitical and economic rearrangement led by the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) all together directly complicate strategic choices for the ASEAN Community. The even more intricate international dynamics will be taken into consideration for the further integration of a transforming ASEAN.

Considering the shared destiny between Taiwan and Southeast Asia, the newly-elected president and her task force of foreign policy in Taiwan declares that Taiwan will value Southeast Asia even more, being ready to develop a comprehensive, multi-faceted engagement policy with the ASEAN community. Based upon the identical people-centered values with ASEAN, the new approach will not only be helpful for grasping the newly developed relationship between Southeast Asia and global major powers but also shed light on the new course for Taiwan and Southeast Asian localities to evolve constructive partnership. A detailed scrutiny of the evolution in Southeast Asian policy and Southeast Asian studies either in Taiwan or in neighboring Asian countries should be carefully conducted.

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) and the Institute of International Relations at National Chengchi University are honored to organize 2016 Annual Conference on Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan (ACSEAST) by highlighting “transformation” as the keyword, with a focus on the change in political/economic/social landscape and the exploration of current situations in Southeast Asia. Also, we welcome policy communities, public intellectuals, representatives of business groups and civil society groups to participate in the conference, creating novel thinking and academic contribution to both Southeast Asian studies and policy discussion.

The topics for ACSEAS 2016 includes seven issue-areas as stated below. The submission of both panel proposals and individual papers are welcomed.

1.From face-changing to transformation: the first outcome of ACSEAST in 1999 was a monograph entitled Changing Faces of Southeast Asia, edited by Prof. Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, the organizer of ACSEAST 2016 will select contributions on the politics of transformation in Southeast Asia to be edited as book series for the academic output of this conference.

2.The changing nature of international relations in Southeast Asia: papers concerning topics related to Southeast Asian regionalism, comparative regionalism, contending relations between Southeast Asia and major powers (e.g., Japan, America, Mainland China, and India), regional security (including national security, non-traditional security, and human security), the politics of assistance in Southeast Asia are welcome.

3.The social and cultural transformation in Southeast Asia: Papers concerning topics related to Southeast Asian ethnics, culture, social network, social development, migration and mobility, environmental issues are welcome.

4.The reformation of economic and trade policy in Southeast Asia: Papers concerning topics related to international political economy (IPE), mega regionalism and trade agreement, foreign direct investment (FDI), industrial policies, global and regional production network as well as investigation in critical infrastructures are welcome.

5.The evolution of Southeast Asia studies in Asia and beyond: Papers concerning topics related to international relations theories of Southeast Asia, specific research methods of area studies, and comparative studies of Southeast Asian studies in Asian and Western contexts are welcomed.

6.The re-assessment of new Southeast Asian policy in Taiwan and Asian countries: Special emphasis of ACSEAST 2016 will be focusing on innovative outputs of SEA policy in Taiwan and Asian countries. By inviting international and local policy communities, we welcome any proposals for roundtable and panel proposal on related issues.

7.Other relevant issues pertaining to Southeast Asia studies.

4. Contact Information
  • The organizer will provide accommodation and meals for international paper presenters during the conference;
  • For abstract submission, please e-mail to cseas@nccu.edu.tw & cseas2016@gmail.com.
  • For further information, please contact Ms. Yen through topiir@nccu.edu.tw.